At Epsilon, we believe in making a positive impact for not only our customers but also for local communities around the world. We aren’t your average company – we like to make a difference in a unique way.
In 2015, we looked at how we could give back in some of the markets that we serve and see what we could do that was different. With the help of our good friends at Capacity Media, we got involved with an organisation called Afghan Connection.
Through Afghan Connection we sponsored a cricket pitch and cricket kits for the students at Sh. Abdul Satar School. Sh. Abdul Satar School, located near Jalalabad, was built in 2003 and is one of the first that Afghan Connection constructed. We provided it with cricket kit for 22 players including helmets, clothing, pads, bats, balls and wickets. The school received all the equipment they need to help raise the next generation of cricket players in Afghanistan.
Afghan Connection was founded in 2002 with the aim to provide hope for the young people of Afghanistan showing them that they have the potential for a bright future. It has done this by funding and supporting numerous education and sporting initiatives within rural areas across the country.