Epsilon is pleased to announce that we have achieved MEF Carrier Ethernet 2.0 (CE 2.0) certification for our point-to-point (E-Line) services.
The accreditation has significantly contributed to the successful worldwide deployment of Ethernet by defining industry standards, accelerating process and deployment whilst lowering cost and risk variables.
Epsilons Ethernet services are based on our next generation hyper-scalable global backbone which connects all the leading telecoms hubs globally. Across this fabric encompasses a dense ecosystem of carriers, service operators and cloud providers offering the leading interconnect point for a diverse set of network and connectivity requirements.
This certification shows that the design, quality and performance of our Carrier Ethernet services across the Epsilon network fabric are consistent globally, and conform to the highest and most up-do-date industry standards. It was crucial for Epsilon to achieve the MEF certification with the rollout of our web portal and API based applications, which are facilitating interconnectivity through on-demand Ethernet.
Ibrahim DjaferLead Network Architect at Epsilon
On-demand Ethernet is changing what is possible in global networks. It is replacing slow and inflexible connectivity with a click-to-connect provisioning model that is built to serve the Cloud.
We are giving our customers control over their own services and enabling them to procure and manage connectivity when and where they need it. As a globally-recognised stamp of approval the MEF 2.0 certification adds the reliability and service assurance our customers need in procuring and managing connectivity for their Cloud-centric business models.
Jerzy SzlosarekCEO at Epsilon